How To Treat A Yeast Infection

Learn How To Treat A Yeast Infection - How To Cure A Yeast Infection With Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

How to treat a yeast infection at home? Many people have been asking about the home remedies for yeast infections. I was desperate to find an answer to this question. Most of the doctors whom I consulted were not able to give me a direct and straightforward answer on how to cure a yeast infection permanently.

Conventional medications which I took to treat my infection did nothing to improve my condition. It only works temporary and the problems come back again later. After a throughout research of identifying a home remedies for yeast infections, here are the ways on how to treat a yeast infection.

7 Ways On How To Treat A Yeast Infection At Home - Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

1) You must make it a habit of not using antibiotics too often and use it only when it is absolutely essential. In fact antibiotics must only be use as a last resort for treating any ailment.

2) An excellent treatment for yeast infection of the vagina is tea tree oil. When using this oil, you must soak a cotton tampon in a mixture of few drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 cup of warm water. Mix both well before use. Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which provide a cooling, and soothing effect almost immediately.

3) Here's another home remedies for yeast infection. Unsweetened natural probiotic yoghurt can also be applied directly on the vagina to restore the vaginal pH balance. Just insert it into the vagina using your finger or a tampon applicator. This helps in reducing irritation and vaginal inflammation.

4) Always look out on what you eat. Keep in mind the fact that yeast grows on sweets and sugar. Therefore a diet which is rich in carbohydrates and refined sugars is bound to fuel the growth of yeast in our body.

5) Take Acidophilus supplements because they are rich in good bacteria, which are found naturally in our bodies. These good bacteria can help to prevent the overgrowth of bacteria and yeast infections. Acidophilus can be taken to prevent and treat chronic yeast and bacterial infections.

6) You are encouraged to eat some yogurt. Yogurt is very healthy because it contains a lot of helpful ingredients such as live culture, bifidus and acidophilus that kills the bacteria that cause yeast infection.

7) Here's another traditional home remedies for yeast infection by using garlic clove. Garlic is basically known to contain a high natural anti-fungal component. So, simply peel off the some garlic clove, then wrap it in gauze and insert it into the vagina.

If you seriously are looking out for an answer to the question how to treat a yeast infection at home, remember home cures do not provide instant results and it can only works as a temporary relieve. Statistic shows that 75% of women have at least one vaginal infection caused by yeast overgrowth at some point of time during their fertile years. This type of vaginal infection is very common and it responds well to home remedies for yeast infection provided that you are willing to give it a try on the remedies for at least a few days to a couple of weeks to start seeing results.

I sincerely hope that the above natural yeast infection cures work well for you. In case you are a chronic sufferer you may be frustrated and looking out for permanent cure. You must consider trying out the exact remedy which is clinically proven and effective to permanently treat yeast infections. Discover how to treat a yeast infection naturally.

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