How To Prevent Yeast Infections

Yeast Infection Prevention - Ways On How To Prevent Yeast Infections

One of the things that women have to deal with is yeast infection. It is not something you want to share with friends because they will probably laugh at you for not being careful so should know how to prevent yeast infection before it is too late.

Yeast infections can happen because you regularly wear tight fitted jeans or underwear. There is nothing wrong going around in this outfit if this is the fashion trend but it doesn't give the vagina that much room to breathe and this is where the fungus grows. To prevent yeast infection from happening, you should alternate your outfit every so often and instead of using those made out of polyester; you should buy the kinds that are made from cotton.

You should stop using tampons to prevent yeast infection. Since underwear and pantyhose made from synthetic fibers often increase heat and moisture in the vulva area, switch to cotton underwear and pantyhose with cotton crotches. For the same reason, don't wear skintight pants.

Those that love to workout often are also at risk for a yeast infection. To prevent yeast infection, after the session, you should take off all your clothes and wash your vagina with running water. This should be dried properly with your towel so this is clean at all times. The same thing should be done after swimming to prevent yeast infection because it is not safe to have chlorine for long periods of time on the body.
Your vagina may be clean but your rectum isn't and this may also give you a yeast infection. Aside from using tissue, you should also clean these areas with some water to prevent yeast infection.

Another prevention of yest infection is that try to avoid sexual intercourse too often.. Get your sex partner to checked the doctor if you have repeated infections.

Yeast infections usually occur when a woman is of child bearing age. You may not want to have a baby yet but you can be infected by taking birth control pills or steroids. This will urged the yeast to be overgrowth and it will cause you to be infected

To prevent yeast infection, practice a good feminine hygiene is crucial. Wash the vulva and anal areas with mild soap and water at least once daily and after each bowel movement, if possible. Always wipe from front to back, away from the vagina. The bowels harbor bacteria and fungi that can travel over to the vulva area.

Always remember not to douche unless the doctor says so. The reason here is that by disturbing the normal acidity of vaginal secretions, douching may create even more problems So always consult your doctor before douching.

Make it a habit that anything that touches or goes into the vagina such like diaphragms, pessaries, and other contraceptive devices, be scrupulously clean.

Follow the doctor advice and take the medication for as long as what is the doctor prescribes. Some people stop the medication when they feel better, and this has cause an invitation to recurrent infections.

Yeast infection also cause by buying and using selected products for personal use that you are unaware of causing a yeast infection. These are tampons, scented pads, scented sprays, bubble baths, deodorant and even colored toilet paper. I guess you will surely have experienced some discomfort, which is a sign for you to discontinue its use. All this has to be substituted with alternative products that are much safer to prevent yeast infection.

Watching out on your sugar intake is also very important to  prevent yeast infection because women that have high sugar levels have a higher chance of contracting with a yeast infection. For example is instead of eating ice cream, you should have yogurt instead. It may taste a little different but health wise; this is completely safe and prevents yeast infection from happening.

Lastly, to prevent yeast infection, when you are having sex, you should never use a petroleum based lubricants but instead you can seek for other alternative by using the water based.

The above mentioned are just a few tips that could help you to prevent yeast infection from happening. You can check with your doctor what other preventive measures which you can take so that this will never happen again..

You should also abstain from sex because this will caused in the passing of this problem to your partner as well. The yeast infection although not life threatening is an inconvenience. There are ways to prevent yeast infection, just like any other disease so all the person has to do is learn and apply this everyday.

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