What Non-Prescription Medicines Can I Use ? - Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

Vaginal Yeast Infection - Home Treatment For Yeast infection In Women

Keep in mind that do not self treat a vaginal yeast infection if you:
  • Are not confirm of your symptoms whether it is caused by a vaginal yeast infection or not. If you previously have never been diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection, called your doctor for a check up before treating it with a non-prescription anti-fungal cream. Sometimes women may think that they have a vaginal yeast infection when symptoms are caused by the other different condition, such as sexually transmitted infection (STI) or a bacterial vaginosis.
  • Are pregnant.
  • Are having a recurrent vaginal yeast infection.
  • Have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection (STI), which would require a medical exam.

Using a non-prescription medicine

When using a non-prescription vaginal medicine for a vaginal yeast infection, you always follow the directions on the package insert, as well together with these guidelines:
  • Try to avoid using soap when cleaning the vaginal area. It is adviseable to run and rinse it with water only.
  • If you feel painful in sexual intercourse, then avoid it. Otherwise, you can use a water soluble lubricating jelly such as K Y Jelly to reduce an irritation. The oil found in suppositories or anti-fungal creams can weaken latex texture. This means diaphragms and condoms may easily break, and you may not be protected from pregnancy or sexual transmission infections (STIs).
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and non-fat dairy products. Eating right will  help your body to resist and fight off infections. Although from research, there is no clear connection between eating foods containing lactobacillus organisms (such as acidophilus milk or yogurt), and reducing symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, these foods are good and can be part of a healthy diet.
  • Sitting in warm water (either in a bathtub or sitz bath, not a hot tub) may help if the genital area is swollen or painful. Or instead, you may try putting a cool, damp cloth on the area. Do not rub to try to relieve the itching.
  • Instead of tampons, you can use pads while you are using non-prescription vaginal medicines. this is because tampons can absorb the medicine.
Check your symptoms with your doctor if:
  • You are not confirm that you have a yeast infection.
  • After one complete course of therapy your self treatment seems to be not working

Things to consider

The risk of self treatment is that your symptoms may have been cause by a type of vaginal infection other than a yeast infection, such as sexually transmitted infection (STI) or a bacterial vaginosis. If you have fever or pelvic pain, get an evaluation from a doctor.

It is important to be evaluated for vaginal symptoms if you are pregnant. Some vaginal infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or bacterial vaginosis may put you in higher risk of complications during pregnancy.
If you have risk factors for an STI, let your doctor know about your symptoms before using a non-prescription medicine.

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